In a residential building (house) we're dealing with a small loads - for this reason it can be assumed that the thickness of the Hybridbeam bottom flange will not be thicker than 12 mm. In the finishing standard, the support of the HC slab is applied on a 10 mm thick elastomer covered with a 30 mm wide mineral wool. The elastomer and the mineral wool under the load pressure (from the floor slab) will compress up to 6-7 mm thick. Thus, the distance from the bottom of the HC slab to the bottom of the painted beam is 20-21 mm.
We suggest not to "hide" the beam flange; it doesn't make sense. It is better to make a durable, neat working joint by sticking 1-3 mm thick compression tape onto the vertical edge of the beam’s bottom flange and finish the plaster edge with a slight chamfer. Then, the joint can be filled with an acrylic, which will create a uniform surface between the plaster and the bottom flange. The whole surface should be painted with the same type of paint for the entire ceiling. A possible crack in the contact place between the beam and plaster will be in a straight line and should not pose any usage problems.